Calling Powwow Volunteers!

If you are planning on being a volunteer for the powwow on Saturday, April 28th, the following information is for you! 

Please arrive at 8am on Saturday morning at the SFSU quad area. There will be a volunteer sign-in area. Help is needed with directing crowds to the quad area for the powwow, as well as helping vendors and dancers unload and set up prior to the powwow. If possible, please wear a purple T-shirt (either printed or blank purple is fine) so that you may be identified to the powwow attendees as a volunteer. 

If you plan to stay for the entire duration of the powwow, help will be needed to take down and clean up after the event. If you are receiving extra credit for volunteering, it is required for you to stay for the entire event and to help with the clean-up process afterwards. There will be a volunteer sign-in sheet in the morning for you to sign in and indicate your professor's name. Upon leaving, please sign out and have a SKINS member initial next to your name so that we may forward your volunteer information to your professor. Please write legibly so that you may receive credit! :) 

Looking forward to this weekend -- thank you to all who will be helping out!